General Requirements
A. Furnish and install
(qty) low pressure, natural draft, cast iron sectional boiler(s).
B. Install boiler unit(s) in compliance with manufacturer’s installation instructions.
All work must be done in a neat and workmanlike manner.
C. Weil-McLain
(qty) P/B/A (circle one) W/WT/S (circle one) GO -
boiler(s) capable of burning No. 2 fuel oil. “P” boilers not available for sizes 7-9.
D. Boiler assembly:
1. “P” Boiler(s) (not available for sizes 7-9) to be factory packaged, wired, and fire tested with
jacket, circulator, burner, and controls. Boiler(s) shall be shipped ready for field installation.
2. “B” Boiler(s) cast iron sections to be factory assembled with jacket. Circulator, burner, and
controls to be packed separately and assembled at job site. Jacket not installed on sizes 7-
3. “A” Boiler(s) cast iron sections to be factory assembled with jacket. Circulator and controls
to be packed separately and assembled at job site. Jacket not installed on sizes 7-9.
E. Boiler(s) to be either water (WGO or WTGO) or steam (SGO).
F. Boiler(s) shall be 85% (water boilers) or 83% (steam boilers) minimum efficient as rated by
D.O.E. seasonal efficiency (AFUE) and listed in the current GAMA Directory of Certified
1. “Levittown” boiler(s) (P-WTGO-3L only) shall be 84.5% minimum efficient as rated by
D.O.E. seasonal efficiency (AFUE) and listed in the current GAMA Directory of Certified
G. Boiler(s) shall meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy
guidelines for “ENERGY STAR” energy efficiency. (Does not apply to “Levittown” boiler(s) (P-
WTGO-3L only)).
H. Boiler(s) shall have I=B=R Hydronics Institute gross output(s) at 100% firing rate
MBH per boiler.
I. Boiler(s) shall be manufactured by an ISO 9001 registered company to conform to Section IV
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
1. Individual sections and section assembly shall undergo hydrostatic pressure test at factory
in accordance with ASME requirements for 50 PSIG working pressure and cast as part of
section with ASME symbol.
500 Blaine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360-2388
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Provided with a swing-away burner mounting door to allow greater ease of service.
Provided with the means to vent out the top or out the rear of the boiler.
Shipped with insulated heavy gauge steel jacket(s) with durable powdered paint
enamel finish. Jacket designed to be installed after connecting supply and return
C. Boiler foundation(s)
1. Installer shall construct required level concrete foundation(s) and support(s) where boiler
room floor is uneven or will not support the weight of the boiler(s).
D. Boiler trim
1. All electrical components to be of high quality and third (3rd) party recognized.
2. Electrical wiring to utilize a labeled and color-coded wiring harness to help assure correct
3. Water boiler(s) standard controls furnished:
P Boiler(s) only: High-low temperature limit control with circulator relay. (240 degrees
F maximum allowable water temperature)
A and B Boiler(s) only: High temperature limit control with circulator relay. (240
degrees F maximum allowable water temperature)
Combination pressure-temperature gauge. Dial clearly marked and easy to read.
A.S.M.E. certified pressure relief valve, set to relieve at 30 PSIG. Side outlet
discharge type; installer to pipe outlet to floor drain or near floor.
4. Steam boiler(s) standard controls furnished:
High pressure limit control. (15 PSI maximum allowable steam pressure)
Steam pressure gauge. Dial clearly marked and easy to read.
A.S.M.E. certified pressure relief valve, set to relieve at 15 PSIG. Side outlet
discharge type; installer to pipe outlet to floor drain or near floor.
Model P-SGO Boiler(s) only: Low water cut-off (LWCO). LWCO shall be ( ) electrode
or ( ) float-mechanism (check one) type capable of shutting down the boiler in event of
a low water situation.
E. Additional Components
1. Model P-WTGO Boiler(s) only: The boiler(s) shall be installed with a tankless heater with
½” inlet and outlet openings. The tankless heater opening shall be machined to completely
capture sealing ring between the heater and the section.
2. Model A- and B-WTGO Boiler(s) and all SGO Boiler(s) only: The boiler(s) shall be provided
with an opening for an optional tankless heater. A cover plate shall be installed over the
500 Blaine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360-2388
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F. Optional Components
1. WGO or WTGO Boiler(s) only: The boiler(s) shall be able to be provided with an optional
relief valve set to relieve at 50 PSIG.
2. The boiler(s) shall be able to be installed with an optional tankless heater (Not available for
Model WGO Boiler(s); standard on Model P-WTGO Boiler(s)).
Tankless heater must be specified when order is placed.
Tankless heater shall have ½” inlet and outlet openings for Model A- or B-WTGO
Boiler(s) and ¾” inlet and outlet openings for a SGO Boiler(s).
If installed with a tankless heater, water boilers shall be furnished with a combination
hi-low temperature limit control in lieu of standard hi limit control; steam boilers shall
be furnished with an additional temperature limit control.
3. Model A- or B-SGO Boiler(s) only: The boiler(s) shall be able to be provided with an
optional low water cut-off (LWCO).
LWCO must be specified when order is placed.
LWCO shall be ( ) electrode or ( ) float-mechanism (check one) type capable of
shutting down the boiler in event of a low water situation.
G. Boiler Manuals
1. The boiler(s) shall be provided with complete instruction manuals, including:
Boiler Installation Manual
Maintenance and Service Guide
500 Blaine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360-2388
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